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Events System

The Events System is used to define and dispatch events in the VersaMachina engine.


#pragma once

#include "pch.h"

namespace VersaMachina
    enum class EventType
        None = 0,
        WindowClose, WindowResize, WindowFocus, WindowLostFocus, WindowMove,
        AppTick, AppUpdate, AppRender,
        KeyPressed, KeyReleased, KeyTyped,
        MouseButtonPressed, MouseButtonReleased, MouseMoved, MouseScrolled,

    enum EventCategory
        None = 0,
        EventCategoryApplication    = BIT(0),
        EventCategoryWindow         = BIT(1),
        EventCategoryInput          = BIT(2),
        EventCategoryKeyboard       = BIT(3),
        EventCategoryMouse          = BIT(4),
        EventCategoryMouseButton    = BIT(5),
        EventCategoryNetwork        = BIT(6),

    #define EVENT_CLASS_TYPE(type) static EventType GetStaticType() { return EventType::type; }\
                                                                    virtual EventType GetEventType() const override { return GetStaticType(); }\
                                                                    virtual const char* GetName() const override { return #type; }

    #define EVENT_CLASS_CATEGORY(category) virtual int GetCategoryFlags() const override { return category; }
    class Event

        friend class EventDispatcher;

            virtual EventType GetEventType() const = 0;
            virtual const char* GetName() const = 0;
            virtual int GetCategoryFlags() const = 0;
            virtual std::string ToString() const { return GetName(); }

            inline bool IsInCategory(EventCategory category){
                return GetCategoryFlags() & category;

            bool m_Handled = false;

    class EventDispatcher

        template<typename T>
        using EventFn = std::function<bool(T&)>;

            EventDispatcher(Event& event)
             : m_Event(event)

            template<typename T>
            bool Dispatch(EventFn<T> func)
                if(m_Event.GetEventType() == T::GetStaticType())
                    m_Event.m_Handled = func(*(T*)&m_Event);
                    return true;
                return false;
            Event& m_Event;


    inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Event& e)
        return os << e.ToString();
} // namespace VersaMachina