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Logging API

Logging within the VersaMachina project is accomplished by using the spdlog library.

Logging Levels

There are 5 levels of logging in the VersaMachina engine:


Logging Macros (C++)

App logging macros for C++ are defined in the VersaLib/Core/Log.h file which is automatically imported into Versa.h for you and should work out of the box in your applications.

Log.h defines the following macros:

#define VM_TRACE(...) ::VersaMachina::Log::GetClientLogger()->trace(__VA_ARGS__)
#define VM_INFO(...) ::VersaMachina::Log::GetClientLogger()->info(__VA_ARGS__)
#define VM_WARN(...) ::VersaMachina::Log::GetClientLogger()->warn(__VA_ARGS__)
#define VM_ERROR(...) ::VersaMachina::Log::GetClientLogger()->error(__VA_ARGS__)
#define VM_CRITICAL(...) ::VersaMachina::Log::GetClientLogger()->critical(__VA_ARGS__)

Using these macros is very easy and should work with all types and classes in the system. If something doesn't work, please submit a new issue so we can implement it. Here is a quick example of how to use the logging macro.

#include "Versa.h"
//#include "Core/Log.h" // Alternative include 
int x = 10;
VM_INFO("Info"); // Log with just a string
VM_TRACE("This is {0}: {1}", "ten", x); // Log with 1 or more variables

Logging Macros (C#)

(To be implemented)